本帖最后由 吴楚雯 于 2014-10-18 12:29 编辑
AA always afloat 保持漂浮;永远漂浮
a.a.r against all risks 一切险
AC account current 一切险
A/C for account of 费用由......负担
acc. Acceptance;accepted 已接受
acc.cop according to the custom of port 按照......港口惯例
acct. account 账目,账户
acpt. acceptance 接受
a.c.v. actual cash vaule 实际现金价值
a.d.;a/d after date ......日期以后
ADCOM address commission 订船佣金;租船佣金
ADD.COMM address commissiom 订船佣金;租船佣金
Add-on tariff(also proportional 费率标记(在美国也指按比例或仲裁决定)
or arbitrate in the U.S.A)
ADFT aft draft 船尾吃水
ADP automated data processing 自动数据处理
ADR European Agreement Concerning 欧洲国际公路危险品运输公约
the International Carriage
of Dangerous Goods by Road
adv. advise or advance 通知或提前
A.F. advanced freight 预付运费
A.F.B. air freight bill 空运运单
AFRA average freight rate assessment 运费费率平均价
Agry. agency 代理公司;代理行
Agrd. agreed 同意
Agrt. agreement 协议
国商二班 吴楚雯 34号