Agt, agent 代理人
a.g.w. actual gross weight 实际毛重;实际总重量
AGW all going well (取决于)一切顺利
A.H. after hatch 后舱
air draft length between water level
and vessel’s rail 水平面至船舷的高度
AM ante meridiem=before noon 上午
AMT Air Mail Transfer 航空邮寄
amt. amount 金额、数额
A.N. arrival notice 到达通知
A.O. account of ......的账上
A/or and /or 和/或
A/P account paid 已付账款
Approx. approximately 大约
A/R All Risks 一切险
arr. arrival 到达;抵达
arrd. arrived 到达;抵达
a/s after sight 见票后
A/S alongside 靠码头;并靠他船
ASAP as soon as possible 尽快、尽速
ASF as follows 如下
Ass. associate 准会员;公司
ATA actual time of arrrival 实质到达时间
ATD actual time of departure 实际出发时间
ATP Agreement for the International Carriage 国际易腐货物协议
of Perishable Foodstuffs
attn. attention 由.....收阅
Atty. attorney 律师(美);代理人
auth. authorized 授权的;认可的
aux. auxiliary 辅助的;辅助设备
A.V.;Ad Val. ad valorem accord in 运价标价(根据商品的值计算运费);从价费率
AWB Air Way Bill 空运单
BA Bale Capacity 包装容积
B.A.C bunker adjustment charge 燃油附加费
B.A.F bunker adjustment factor 燃油附加费系数
Bags/Bulk part in bags , part in bulk 货物部分袋装、部分散装
Bal. Balance 平衡
B.C. bulk cargo 散装货
B/D bank(er’s)draft 银行汇票
b.d.i. both dates (days)inclusive 包括始末两天
Bdl. Bundle 捆
bdth breath 宽度;型宽
bdy. boundary 边境;界线
BENDS Both Ends 装卸港
B/G bonded goods 报税货物
biz. business 业务
Bk. bank 银行
bkge brokerage 佣金;经纪费
BL. bale 包(装)
BLFT bale feet 包装尺码(容积)
B/L Bill of Lading 提单
BLK bulk 散装
BLKR Bulker 散装船
break downs an itemized account of ..item by item 细目分类
B.RGDS. best regards 致敬;致意
brl. barrel 桶(分英制美制两种)
B.W. bomded warehouse 保税仓库
bxs. boxes 盒;箱
CABLEADD Cable Address 电话挂号
CAConf Cargo Agency Conference (IATA) 货运代理公会(IATA)
C.A.F. currency adjustment fac 货币贬值附加费系数
C.A.S. currency adjustment surcharge 货币贬值附加费
CASS Cargo Accounts Settlement 货运费用结算系统
System (IATA)
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